How to Add Github Login to Supabase

Github Login Supabase Authentication tutorial


3 min read

Photo by Richy Great on Unsplash

If you are anything like me, you like to find a tutorial that breaks down the documentation for certain software, be it CMS, backend, or styling.

As I was creating full-stack applications with Supabase, I noticed a need for more tutorials on integrating providers for logging in with Supabase.

In this post, you will learn:

  • How to create a project in Supabase and enable Github Authentication

  • How to create a Github Oauth App

  • How to connect Github to Supabase

So, if you want to know any of these things, please continue. If you prefer video content please visit my YouTube Shorts on this topic.

How to create a project in Supabase

The first step to creating the GitHub login is to have a project in Supabase. They offer two projects on the free tier, perfect for small projects and beginners to the platform.

Once registered, you can create a new organization and then a project in the Dashboard, as shown below.

screenshot of Supabase dashboard

Go to the authentication section and enable GitHub in the providers section

Screenshot showing GitHub authentication in Supabase

Supabase requires a Client ID and a Client secret to link to GitHub so it provides you with a callback url, copy it and store this for the next step.

How to create a Github Oauth App

Now that we have enabled Github authentication we need to create an application on Github to connect to the callback URL on Supabase.

To do this we will go to our Github profile and navigate to developer settings.

Once we have arrived at the developer settings we will see Github OAuth Apps.

Screenshot of GitHub developer settings

Create a New Oauth App by filling out the requested items:

Title of the application

Logo image— if you have one

Redirect URL — enter “localhost:3000” or the dev environment URL for testing

Note: We will be creating an application in Nuxt 3 next so please use localhost:3000.

Authorization callback URL — this is the URL you copied from Supabase

Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash

Once completed you will see the Client ID and a button to generate your Client secret. Copy these items and navigate back to Supabase to complete the process.

How to add Github Login to Supabase

Once back in the Supabase site, open the provider settings and place the Client ID and the Client Secret in the relevant areas.

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

Congratulations you have now successfully integrated GitHub Login with Supabase.

Next steps

In the next tutorial, we will take this integration and create a full-stack application using frontend frameworks like Nuxt and Astro js.

Photo by Michael Baccin on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to read this tutorial. I also would like some feedback on what integration you would like to see next.

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